My Music

Notice For you: Do not play all toghater; Play one by one. Play after finished one. Thank you & enjoy .... Mithun debnath

Play Song & Wait for 10 Second for Loading

1)  DJ Music (All song in single Track)
2)  Shantipur ECO Add Macking
3)  Shantipur ECO Add Macking (Next)
4)  Work of BIG FM (Manna Dey Song)
5)  Moral Theme (All music add part by part)


6)  Bhim Badh - Rabi Ghosh (Audio Edited)  
7)  Bhanu in Election (Audio Edited)

8)  Bhanu Jomer Bari (Audio Edited)
9) Kobita Abriti (Audio Edited)


10) Charli Chapline Theme (All Edited)


11) My own Voice - No Music (open Vocal)  
12) Brazil - Bengo boyes (Remix by Mithun)  
13) Raouri Rathore (Remix by Mithun)  
14) Porle Mone (Exclu. Bengali & Hindi Mix)


15)  DJ Music 2nd (All song in single Track)


16)  Zindegi Se - by Mithun (Bengali & Hindi)










All the works of Audio of this page is edited by Mithun Debnath own. .. Thanks to you for Visiting this site & enjoy the audios.
                                                                                        MITHUN DEBNATH